Selling a home is a big deal! From prepping the house for sale to closing there are many steps that your Dream Team Realty, Inc (DreamTeam) Real Estate can walk you through.
Below you will find a detailed list to walk you through the home sale process
Selling a home isn’t always easy and can be relatively stressful. First, because you are personally and emotionally attached to the home where so many memories have been created. Start the process by considering WHY you are selling. For example: Is it time to downsize?
When beginning the process of selling your home, you should look at all aspects of the property through the skeptic’s eye. Why? When a potential buyer comes into your home for a showing or an open house that’s exactly what they’re doing. The buyer may not like the carpet color, or the wall colors, etc. These sorts of issues with a home will hurt the sale of the property.
What services will you provide for me as my agent?
How will you represent my property?
Can you provide a market analysis for my property?
How will you determine the price of my home?
Explain the paperwork that I need to sign.
What is the time frame for listing my property with you?
Showings came at the most inconvenient times. Be prepared to show your home at 6:30 during dinner time. It will happen. Remember, to sell your home you need to show your home. If you don’t want to show your home at night, or on weekends, be prepared NOT TO SELL YOUR HOME. You must be willing to work around showings at awful times. This negotiating process can at times seem very complicated. Remember that negotiating a real estate deal can be complicated and there can be issues which no one anticipated. Be prepared to deal with problems or questions that come up. A DreamTeam Realty agent will do his or her best to make the process as problem free as possible. During the negotiation process, as a seller, you can choose to fix things which were asked for by the buyers, or not. It is your choice.
Today’s market will produce buyers making many different offers. You might receive insanely low offers and you might receive offers where buyers want a lot of changes on the house.
1. Accept the buyers proposed offer
2. Decline the buyers offer
3. Accept part of the buyer’s offer, with a counteroffer to change negate certain requests by the buyer.
The act of changing title of a property between two parties is called closing. From the time of the initial agreement closing usually takes about 30-45 days. This mainly depends on the buyer’s financing availability. Successful home inspection completion, and various lender conditions (ex. title search, title insurance, termite inspections, surveys, and appraisals). The buyer will receive the keys to the home inspection completion, and various lender conditions (ex. title search, title insurance, termite inspections, surveys and appraisals). It is important for the seller to take a final walk through of the property to make sure the paperwork they are signing reflects the agreement of the original sale.
Quick Offer Program
One of our key advantages is our QOP=Quick Offer Program allows
Sellers to Submit properties to our Portfolio of Investors that are represented by Dreamteam Realty Inc.